
Your Newborn Photo Session

Newborn photography captures a very special time for you and your baby. You will always treasure these images and when your baby grows, they will too!

One of the things I love about being a newborn and family photographer is getting to see tiny babies grow into gorgeous children. And it happens so quickly! I’m always so honoured to have been able to document the time when they were brand new and teeny tiny!

Below are a few frequently asked questions and some tips to ensure you get the most out of your baby’s photo session.

When should I book?

The best time for curled-up, snuggly newborn images is when your baby is less than two weeks old as babies of this age tend to be much sleepier. The beauty of lifestyle photography however, is that this isn’t a requirement and we can just as easily capture an array of gorgeous newborn images right up to 8 weeks old. In fact, sometimes this works out much better for everyone involved – babies are more alert, sturdy and forming their own expressions, whilst parents have had a chance to emerge from that heavy fog of those early weeks.

If your preference is for those brand new, snuggly newborn images, which I personally adore because it is one of the most precious and fleeting stage of them all, then the window for your newborn session is within those first two weeks. In this case, it’s best to contact me well in advance of your baby’s arrival to secure your session. We set a provisional date and I make sure to keep some availability either side – because we all know that babies do not work to a defined schedule! We then confirm your session date as soon as your little one arrives. If you prefer to wait until after baby’s safe arrival and book a slightly older newborn session, then please contact me as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, as availability is often limited.

Where does the photo session take place?

Depending on where you are based, I usually photograph your baby in your own home. (In the warm summer months, outdoor sessions may also be a possibility). On arrival to your home, I take about 10 minutes to assess the various available rooms in your house to find the most suitable and flattering light to set up the session. We may use multiple rooms for different looks.

I utilise the natural light in your home to it’s full potential, producing beautiful, unique and authentic images of your newborn baby and your whole family.

How long will the photo session last?

Babies and young children are totally unpredictable! So, a photo session lasts as long as it needs to! Generally though, you can expect your newborn photo session to last anything from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the kind of images you want captured and your baby’s form on the day. Please don’t worry about your baby “not co-operating” – there is no such thing. Your baby’s photo session will be very relaxed and easy going and totally baby-led. That means we often stop to allow your baby to feed, change, or just have a little break! I will never rush a newborn session and will take as much time as required to ensure it is a stress-free, enjoyable and memorable experience for all involved.

What should I do to prepare my baby for the photo session?

Ideally, I will photograph your brand new baby when they are in a nice deep slumber so that they can be placed into a relaxed and natural pose. To try and induce that happy, sleepy state, it’s a good idea to give them a bath and a feed right before the session is due to start, if possible.

If you have anything significant you would like your baby photographed with (a special blanket, soft toy, or item in their nursery, etc.) please have them at the ready.

Your baby does not need to be adorned with props, outfits and unnecessary frills! They are so beautiful and perfect all on their own and I pride myself in capturing your baby in style that is classy, tasteful and timeless. I also capture your baby’s unique features, natural expressions and all those little details, including fingers, toes and that precious newborn skin, with all its natural folds and peels! Above all, I capture all that love and connection between you as a family. These are the images you will treasure more than any others in years to come.

Will other family members be photographed?

Absolutely! I know everyone doesn’t feel like jumping in front of a camera when they have just had a baby, but I promise it will be worth it. I always persuade parents to be photographed with their new baby as these are the images that you will treasure the most in years to come. Equally, where there are older siblings, I always ensure they are involved in the photo session.

Because I will take some family shots, I urge you to think about your clothing and plan it in advance. Allow yourself plenty of time to get ready to ensure you look your best. However, I always advise that you keep it as natural, simple and fuss-free as possible, with a neutral, soft colour palette. As part of your pre-session consultation, I give plenty of guidance and tips around what to wear and what to avoid, to ensure you end up with a stunning final gallery of images! I also provide a guide and checklist to take the thinking out of it for you, because you have enough to think about right now!

What happens after the session?

After your session, I will select the best images and take my time editing them to the highest standard. Your finished images will be ready for viewing within three weeks and they will be produced in a mixture of colour and black and white.

We will schedule a suitable date and time for your personal viewing session, where you can view and select your favourite images and decide on your package and/or products. I will provide professional advice and guidance, where needed, on choosing the images that will work best together and wall art options to ensure they are displayed beautifully in your home. All the products I offer are archival quality to ensure that they will last a lifetime and beyond.

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